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Hue - Hong Kong

Updated: Oct 5, 2020

The entrance to the restaurant at the museum of Modern Art is in front of the harbor with a stunning view. I walk in and say my reservation name and they bring me to the table. We have a sofa table in the middle of the restaurant. We have a wonderful harbor view where we can see the red sailed junks which sail past. The very attentive staff who knows all the dishes and could answer all my questions Gave us the menu.

First I chose a the mocktail which was sour slightly sweet and refreshing it was made of lemongrass apple and blackberry. For appetizers I ordered the ocean trout and a spanner crab confit. I tried the ocean trout first. The smoked trout looks a bit like a smoked salmon but when you taste it is finer and fresher and melts on your tongue. I liked combination with the potato cakes, smoked trout on top, the fish eggs and the slightly sour cream on top of it - it was absolutely perfect. The spanner crab was also very tasty and wonderful but I found the pomelo and flowers was too overpowering. The crab with the cream was amazing they tasted great together.

Then for the main course I ordered the aged duck breast which had this amazing taste, so strong and at the same time fine. The duck was served with black pudding and tamarind sauce. The duck and the black pudding was terrific together. The duck was smoked and it was kept in the fridge at the temperature of 4° for about 4 to 7 days.

The next dish was the pork loin, it was very soft and mild cooked to perfection slightly pink in the middle.

Then for desert I had a cheesecake with a lemon sauce on the side. When you had the lemon sauce with the baked cheesecake it was really a perfect combination.

Mini Miche super tips:

Order the Aged Duck because it is AMAZING!

Go in the evening for a nice harbor view!

And that is my Mini-Miche review!


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